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The benefits of microdosing

Better mood, deep focus and less social anxiety. Sounds good, right? Using between one tenth or one twentieth of a regular recreational dose of psychedelics can create several benefits for you.
Lorenzo Bown
April 29, 2022
 min read

Microdosing and our brain?

How does microdosing actually work and how does it influence our brain? The last few years, microdosing has proven its effect on people’s behaviour and feelings. By influencing our brain the health phenomenon achieves promising benefits. But how does it manage this?
Nicolas Roegiers
July 15, 2022
 min read

How Microdosing Can Help You Manage Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are a part of life, but that doesn't mean we have to suffer from them. In recent years, microdosing psychedelics has emerged as a promising new approach to managing these common mental health issues.
Nicolas Roegiers
January 24, 2023
 min read

Importance of "Set" and "Setting" in your microdosing journey

In their 1964 psychedelic guidebook, The Psychedelic Experience; A manual based on the Tibetan book of the Dead, Timothy Leary and his Harvard colleagues introduced the concept of “set and setting”.
Nicolas Roegiers
February 27, 2023
 min read

Exploring the Possibilities: 10 Creative Things to Do While Microdosing

From hiking to journaling, dancing to photography, there's something for everyone to try. So grab your pen and paper, choose a trail, or turn up the music, and let your microdosing journey begin!
Nicolas Roegiers
February 3, 2023
 min read

Participate in Aydoo's Microdosing Study with Maastricht University

Join Aydoo and Maastricht University in advancing the science of microdosing by participating in our study on the effects of psilocybin truffles.
Lorenzo Bown
April 7, 2023
 min read

Unlocking the Benefits: 6 Tried and True Microdosing Protocols for your journey

Before you start your journey, it's important for you to select one that aligns with your goals
Sabrina Viitasaari
December 3, 2023
 min read

The Science Behind Microdosing: How Tiny Doses of Psychedelics Can Enhance Your Life

Microdosing has been gaining popularity in recent years as a means of enhancing various aspects of one's life.
Lorenzo Bown
 min read

The Pros and Cons of Microdosing LSD: Exploring the Trend and Its Potential Risks

Microdosing LSD should be what is called “subperceptual” meaning, that it will enhance the user's overall state of mind and physical wellness without interrupting their “daily” life. 
Lorenzo Bown
January 3, 2023
 min read

Exploring the Potential of Microdosing: Using Psychedelics to Treat Depression and Anxiety

The full range of benefits offered by microdosing include the impact it has on mental health.
Lorenzo Bown
 min read
Aydoo HQ

Micropodcast #2 : Psychedelic research talk with Dr. Mathieu Seynaeve

Belgium has a long history of producing outstanding doctors and healthcare professionals. In the medical world, Mathieu Seynaeve has taken an interest in a cutting-edge field of psychedelics.
Lorenzo Bown
January 2, 2023
 min read

What is microdosing?

Does microdosing ring a bell? Or is this health phenomenon completely new to you?
Nicolas Roegiers
July 11, 2022
 min read

Is microdosing safe?

According to neurobiologist David Presti microdosing is considered safer than taking antidepressants and it is the most safe drug out there. The use of psychedelics has been around for ages.
Lorenzo Bown
April 29, 2022
 min read

Is microdosing addictive?

Of course it all depends on the substance you microdose. In our case we are talking about the active ingredient of the ‘magic truffles’ called psilocybine. The answer is no.
Nicolas Roegiers
July 13, 2022
 min read
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